Our Services

Full Dentures

full dentures

Full dentures are replacement teeth that are fitted into an acrylic base that is crafted to look like your gums. An upper denture features a plate, which covers the roof of your mouth, while the lower denture is horseshoe-shaped and rests securely on the gum and bone tissues.
You may be surprised by just how natural your dentures can look. Denture technology has advanced considerably. In fact, with the quality, comfort, and natural-looking appearance of dentures offered at your Affinity Denture Clinic, we’re sure you’ll find a high-quality denture you’ll feel comfortable and confident wearing.

Do you have concerns about making the switch to full dentures? That’s okay. We encourage you to talk openly about your concerns and questions with your clinician. When you’re a patient of an Affinity Denture Clinic, you have the support of the entire team.

Partial Dentures

partial dentures

A removable partial denture usually has replacement teeth attached to a metal or acrylic (plastic) base that matches the color of your gums. Partial dentures often have some form of clasp that attaches to your natural teeth and can easily be taken out of your mouth for cleaning or storing while you sleep. They come in three different types: Acrylic, Metal and Flexible Partial Dentures.

Your new removable partial denture

It takes practice to put in and take out a removable partial denture. It may feel a bit odd or tight for the first few weeks. But in time, you will get used to it. Never force the denture into place by biting down. This could bend or break the clasps or damage your teeth. Your clinician will show you how to place and remove it.

Usually your clinician will make follow-up appointments to look for pressure points or sore spots. They will also adjust your partial denture so that it fits comfortably.

Denture Reline and Repairs

dentures repairs

As you age, your mouth changes shape. Your jaws may not align as your bones and gums naturally recede and shrink, and your dentures will not fit well any longer. Worn or poorly fitting dentures can cause infection, mouth sores, and other issues. Your clinician at our practice will advise you as to when your dentures need to be relined or if its time for a replacement.

Your dentures may break due to worn. poorly fitting dentures or accidental damage. We can provide same day repair service to get you smiling in no time.

Implant Retained Overdenture

implant dentures

Implant retained overdentures are a popular alternative to conventional dentures.

Implant retained dentures are held in place by dental implants which are surgically implanted in the jaw. The implant retained overdenture has special attachments that snap into the attachments on the dental implants.

Benefits of Implant Retained Overdentures:

  • Stability when eating

  • Improved confidence

  • Increased preservation of natural bone

  • Improved chewing ability compared with conventional dentures

  • A much more natural feeling

  • Improved nutrition due to more variety of foods able to be eaten

If you are interested in pursuing this avenue, we can refer you to a specialist to assess your suitability for implants who will work with us to construct the implant retained overdenture.